Altheatized at Elohee

September 26, 2018




North Georgia Event Photographer

I don’t exactly remember when time I got home from the Clarks’ wedding. I think it was 11 or so. After unloading my gear, I set everything up to charge “overnight”… 4 am rolled around quickly, but I was surprisingly energized. After showering and packing up my gear, I hit the road. Well… After of course realizing the breathtaking home that my son’s great aunt and great grandparents so graciously offered us for the evening didn’t have a Keurig, I hit the road. In a slight panic. I’d really hoped someone along the way had coffee. (I would like to personally thank the manufacturers of Keurig because I’ve entered a whole new classification of lazy.)

By the way… Side note. Living in Atlanta is WAY different than living in Hiawassee. If you’re unfamiliar with the North Georgia Mountains, I’d like to tell you that when it’s dark outside, it’s just dark. If they have street lights up there, I didn’t find them.

Coming through Helen was strange at the hour in the morning. (If you’ve never been to Helen, you should go.) It felt kind of eery— the place is ALWAYS packed… But at 5 am, it was fairly empty. Silent. Completely lacking movement. I was in the middle of talking myself through how it would be okay without coffee when I saw a Huddle House sign in the distance. And yes. They were Open. (YAY!)

Coffee in my hands, Podcast in my speakers… I was good to go now.

I arrived at the driveway of Elohee, and after walking around in the complete darkness of the wilderness for a few minutes, I figured out that I should’ve called to confirm my arrival time so someone could escort me past their fantastic security gates. 🙂

Anyway— my wonderful escort (the owner of this amazing place) drove me up to her cottages where I hugged Althea’s sweet neck and we all watched the sun rise together. Sunrise meditation was beautiful.

As the day unfolded, I was reminded of Althea’s amazing energy. If you’ve never learned to meditate, I strongly recommend checking out one of her retreats. Althea will simply bathe you in life-changing goodness, and be there to support you afterwards if you need a little refresher.

After some morning yoga in Mandala Hall, all the ladies got to know each other for a bit. Some wandered off to explore the grounds at Elohee, while others relaxed with their feet in the water.

Althea and I snuck off together for a private photo shoot. Is it clear to you? This lady cannot snuff her happiness. I LOVE her energy.

Before I headed off for the day, I was asked to join the ladies on their waterfall hike. (Uh, amazing!!)
No only did we stop for a little meditation in the forest, but there were little notes of encouragement along the way. A perfect way to end the day.

Thanks for the adventure, Althea— and a huge thanks to the ladies for welcoming me into this intimate retreat. I just loved hanging out with you all!!

If you’d like to see some more favorites, you can head over to the gallery. 🙂




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