Alpharetta Family Photographer | February 27, 2021

On one hand, looking back, Jess and Chuck’s engagement session seems like a lifetime ago. I’d just quit my teaching job and felt like a naked mole rat feeling my way through my camera settings, all while trying to interact with and pose folks. On the other hand, part of it feels like yesterday. I remember sitting at the table with these two, talking about Butterbeer (which I still don’t even have a firm understanding of. And my spellchecker is squiggle lining the word, so now I get to look at that while I type.😂), politics, and what Jess and Chuck did for a living.
Jess and I connected because we’re both teachers. (were? Obviously I’m not now…) It was during their engagement session that I fell in love with her infectious smile… I’m convinced her smile alone creates a classroom community of pure Joy. I know her students love her.
Alpharetta Family Photographer
Anyway… I digress.

A cool little tidbit: Jess & Chuck and Michelle & Trevor are basically Client Twins, and I’m geeking out about it. Their engagement sessions were 2 weeks apart, their weddings were about 2 months apart, and then — get this– they both hired me for their maternity session over a year later: Michelle & Trevor’s session was two weeks before Jess & Chuck’s session. (What??!!) hahaha I think that’s SO cool.

We were slightly behind schedule with Charlie’s debut photos (because Covid. Did I tell you I got Covid?! Crazy.), but gosh how magical it was to see him. He is the spitting image of his sweet teddy bear of a daddy, and seeing Chuck with Charlie melted my heart.
Alpharetta Babies

I’m particularly in love with how differently Charlie interacts with Chuck than he does Jess. He already snuggles against Chuck, and will quickly fall asleep in his arms… He just snuggles right in, feeling so obviously comfy and safe… And knowing Chuck… Y’all, it fills my soul with magic.

Meanwhile, when his mommy is within either earshot, Charlie’s little eyes search for her and he *lights up* when he finds her. The second he locks eyes with Jess, a sense of wonder takes over his face; he’s utterly smitten with her. Mommies have a magic in them that is undeniably divine.

Alpharetta Photographer
Words cannot describe how grateful I am to be apart of capturing memories for people I love. I hope Jess and Chuck will be able to thumb through these photos as the months turn into years and remember the tenderness they’re in right now. The barefoot nights, lonely silence of pumping, insanely fulfilling smiles and giggles… Tiny little toes and perfectly precious fingers. It’s all so fleeting. And magic. And special.

Thank you for this honor, Jess and Chuck. I love you guys!
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