An Engagement Session at Olde Rope Mill Park in Woodstock, Georgia

August 25, 2019


Engagement Photographers in Atlanta


An Olde Rope Mill Park Engagement Session in Woodstock, Georgia

An Olde Rope Mill Park Engagement Session

I don’t know if you know this about me, but I really like to take care of my clients– which really just means serving my couples with every ounce of passion I have, and helping their wedding and photography dreams come to life. Since I’m still pretty new to the scene, this frequently means shooting in unfamiliar places. (Which is fun!!)

Atlanta, Georgia Engagement Photographer

This engagement session at Olde Rope Mill Park in Woodstock, Georgia was no exception. Though I’ve been to this park before, I was completely unfamiliar with the places at which we’d wanted to shoot.

While we were planning their engagement session, I learned this park had social meaning for Michelle and Trevor. They’ve spent a lot of time together here, and they’re especially fond of the old wall. When we first got to the park, we decided to adventurously explore. Did we explore? Yes. Was it adventurous? …… I wish you could see my face cringing right now.

Right when we walked in, I immediately spotted this section of sidewalk that had some gorgeous sunlight dappling through the trees and vines. Thank goodness we headed here first, because storm clouds were rolling in and this pretty sunlight didn’t last long!! After playing here for some moments, we decided to head down toward the water.

We hung out for some time on the bridge, but the light wasn’t that great and we were all eager to get to the wall that these two love so much. I was itching to find some amazing rapids with that gorgeous sunlight peeking through before the storm clouds covered it all up!

And THIS is where it got… adventurous.

If you know me, you know I have a cart (it’s my pride and Joy). You’ll know that my cart carries ALL my gear, and it’s heavy.

Engagement Session in Woodstock, Georgia

Have you ever hiked at Olde Rope Mill Park? If you have, you probably could have guessed that my cart did not do well along the unpaved path, and to make a long story short… Trevor and I were DRENCHED in sweat. Since the beginning of time, serving my couples and giving them the BEST experience possible is ALWAYS my goal!! (Thiiiissssss was really scary for me and wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind!!)


Thank. Goodness these two are troopers. Trevor is STRONG, and Michelle walks better in heels than I do in tennis shoes. A little while later, we were out of the woods and back on the paved sidewalk just in time because the clouds had rolled in, generously offering us beautifully diffused light.

When we reached the water, Michelle and Trevor happily hiked down the river rocks and slipped their feet into the cool stream. I won’t lie– I took a moment in the water myself. And it felt wonderful!!

Within moments, we were cooled off and we had SO MUCH FUN here!!!

Isn’t her outfit amazing?! And the view! This place reminds me of a cross between Sweetwater Creek State Park and Yellow River Park.

Also– fun fact: See Trevor’s bracelet?? He helps run an incredible organization called K9s For Warriors. They work (hard– and thoroughly) to rescue pups and train them to serve veterans. You should check it out, and consider donating! They’re changing the world.

We weren’t at all planning on it, but when I asked these two if they were open to getting into the water, they jumped on it. Which was SO COOL!!!!! I admire people like these two!!

“Water fight!!!”

Trevor’s face! LOL! 🙂

Engagement Session at Olde Rope Mill Park

As the sun continued to settle lower and lower into the horizon, Michelle and Trevor got deeper and deeper into the water.

I loveeeeeee this picture coming up!!!!! Definitely one of my favorites EVER.

Seriously… Does it get any more perfect than this?!

So right about here, Trevor announced he was doing a belly flop. I don’t think either of us took him seriously, but sure enough…

I am SO excited for their wedding at The Conservatory at Waterstone in December.

Trevor and Michelle, thank you both so much for being so gracious and patient with me on this hot, summer day!! We definitely made up for lost time; you guys ROCKED this, and your session was seriously incredible.

Also… Michelle. I have heel envy, and definitely need to practice walking in some heels!!!




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