I’m seeing yet another personal decision get turned into a political one.
I’m seeing my friends lashing out, indirectly at people online.
Posting and reposting quotes to “all the selfish non-mask wearers out there who don’t give shit about the elderly, and need to get over themselves…” and “all the ignorant sheep mask-wearers who are too stupid to look past the news and see there isn’t science behind mask-wearing being effective,”
‘just leaving things right here’… As if it’s a light-hearted smile to brighten someone’s day; never minding the sharp intent and hurtful language behind the post.
I’m here to remind you
I never thought for a moment you didn’t care about the precious elderly in our community who we’re so incredibly blessed to still have in our lives. And I don’t think you’re an idiotic sheep who doesn’t know how to look past the news and make your own, intelligent, decision.
I’m here to remind you
The last time I saw you… after you posted those words online that almost felt like they were meant to cut me. And made me wonder if you still love me
…You were kind to me.
I’m here to remind you
I’m your friend. Your sister. Your niece. Your neighbor.
And I love you. I respect your choice to wear a mask, not because I agree with you but because you’re an adult. You’re my friend. I KNOW you. And I know you care about people.
I’m here to remind you
I’m your friend.
And I love you. I respect your choice to not wear a mask, not because I agree with you but because you’re an adult. I want you in my life because I like you. And I know you care about people.
I trust myself enough to know that I know how to choose people to be friends with.
As for you? You bring Joy to me. You enrich my life. I’m happy you’re here. If you weren’t, I know that I would unfriend you. Put boundaries up. Make it clear how I feel- not to be mean- but out of respect. Because I’m an adult. And I respect you.
I don’t think I have the right to control you.
I will not tell you what to do. I won’t publicly insult your decision because I know you’re making a personal one that you have given a lot of thought to.
My heart may hurt and I may be curious as to why you made the choice you made. Or changed your mind about something. Or voted for a certain person.
But I won’t assume you’re an ass. Or an idiot. Or selfish.
because you’re my friend.
And I love you.
And if I catch myself thinking you’re an ass. Or an idiot. Or selfish… I’ll come directly to you. Because I’m an adult.
And I’ll bring my curiosities to you with an open heart and intention to listen to you.
Because otherwise, what’s the point?
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